At Hotel Les Galets, we strive to provide you with the most useful information through our website, and invite all visitors to read and understand our terms and conditions before finalizing their reservations. By making a booking via our website, you agree to all the terms and conditions set out below.

All information on this site relates to L’Hôtel Les Galets. We have taken care to make this site as clear and informative as possible and all information here is presented with great care and attention; However, Hôtel les Galets will not guarantee that the information is presented correctly. And we will not be responsible for any inconvenience, loss of income or any damage arising from the direct or indirect use of any information provided on our site.

We also try to ensure that all information presented on our website is accurate, appropriate and up-to-date, and these benchmarks are reviewed in a timely manner. However, we make no guarantee that rates will be available at the time of booking.

If you as a consumer feel that certain items/types of information are expressly necessary and you cannot find it on your website, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will correct or provide the required information without delay. deadline.

The owner assumes sole responsibility for the information and services provided.
However, the publisher strives to ensure, to the best of its ability, the accuracy and updating of the information published on this site, of which it reserves the right to correct, at any time and without notice, the content. . Also, it warns the visitor that it is their responsibility to verify the information by other means, including by contacting the hotel. Consequently, it declines all responsibility: for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission relating to information available on the site; for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information made available on the site; and more generally for any damage, direct or indirect, whatever the causes, origins, nature or consequences, caused by anyone’s access to the site or the inability to access it, as well as that the use of the site and/or the credit given to any information coming directly or indirectly from the latter. Furthermore, unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights on the documents contained in the site and each of the elements created for this site are the exclusive property of the publisher or its suppliers, the latter not granting any license or any right than that of consulting the site. The reproduction of all documents published on the site is only authorized for the exclusive purposes of information for personal and private use, any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes being expressly prohibited. All brands mentioned on this site belong to their respective companies. All products, logos, and images cited in the pages of this site are the property of their respective brands.

The information that the publisher will collect comes from the voluntary registration of an email address provided by the Internet user, allowing him to receive documentation or to find out about any point. This information is never communicated to third parties.

This entire site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. Any representation, reproduction, modification, commercial use, as well as any transfer to another site are prohibited, unless authorization is requested by mail to the address indicated below. Only use for strictly personal purposes is authorized.

The hypertext links present on the site directing users to other Internet sites do not engage the responsibility of the publisher as to the content of these sites. Any natural or legal person wishing to establish a link with this site from their site must first request authorization.


Reservations will only be made by providing credit card details. We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express only), valid until the date of departure from the hotel. Credit card details will be sent directly to the hotel to guarantee your reservation. The hotel reserves the right to take a pre-authorization on the credit/debit card for the first night to guarantee the reservation 48 hours before the arrival date. If the card has been declined, the hotel will attempt to contact the guest and reserves the right to cancel the reservation if another valid card is not provided. Reservations cannot be guaranteed without a valid credit/debit card. Full payment is required upon check-in.

Submission of the reservation form does not constitute a confirmed reservation. Hôtel Les Galets will send you the booking confirmation by email or fax with a booking reference number. We will not take any responsibility for your arrival at the hotel without your booking reference number.

All group bookings of 10 rooms or more are subject to different agreed conditions as set out above for individual bookings.

For more information on individual/group bookings,
please call us on 02 35 86 51 66


Free cancellation up to 72 hours before arrival.
In the event of late cancellation, the customer will be charged for the entire stay.
In the event of a no-show, the customer will be charged for the entire stay.

Please note that special offers, discounted rates and packages have different cancellation rules. Please check at time of booking. For more information, please contact reservations on 02 35 86 51 66

All group bookings of 10 rooms or more are subject to different agreed conditions as set out above for individual bookings. In the event of cancellation or non-arrival, we will charge the full amount of the specified rate, unless otherwise agreed in writing. All cancellations must be made directly to Les Galets Hotel by fax or email and we will ask for proof of a written cancellation.

For more information on individual/collective cancellation, please contact us on 02 35 86 51 66


This hotel only accepts guaranteed reservations. You must enter a valid credit card number to guarantee your reservation and no charges will be made by the hotel, but prior authorization will be taken. You are responsible for full payment directly to the hotel upon arrival. The hotel may require an imprint of your credit card. A valid credit/debit card is required to secure your reservation. Payment will be made upon arrival.

In the case of reservations and some promotional offers, the total cost of the advance stay is payable in full at the time of booking. Failure to provide a valid credit/debit card detail for the reservation will result in automatic cancellation of the reservation. Advance purchase reservations are non-cancellable and cannot be modified. In the event of cancellation or no-show, no refund will be made. The reservation name must be the same as the credit card holder’s name and the same item must be registered for the stay. The credit/debit card used to reserve the advance purchase rate must be presented at time of check-in. In the event you are paying for someone else, contact our central reservations office prior to the guest’s arrival. Offer cannot be combined with any other promotional offer and discount is not transferable. We reserve the right to suspend the promotion at any time without notice.


In accordance with the global initiative and while respecting the laws, rules and regulations in force, L’Hôtel les Galets continually strives to provide a smoke-free environment for all our guests, visitors and employees. This smoke-free environment must be maintained, and therefore smoking is strictly prohibited throughout the hotel. This includes rooms, corridors, bars and toilets. The no-smoking policy also applies to guests visiting our conference and banquet facilities.

Those who fail to comply with the no-smoking law will be committing a breach of the law. The fixed penalty notice applicable to the person who smokes is €450. Please respect the law and refrain from smoking in the hotel.


Pets are not allowed in the hotel.


All images clicked on the property or taken from our websites/collateral may only be used for personal, non-commercial purposes. Use of these images for business purposes, including but not limited to advertising materials, websites, books, newspapers and magazines must be approved by the Marketing Department. For more information, contact us !


  • The hotel welcomes guests of all ages and our goal is to make family trips even more enjoyable.
  • Children up to 2 years old can share their parents’ room at no extra cost. Baby cots are available on request (subject to availability) and advance reservation is required.
  • Children aged 18 and under may not occupy a hotel room alone and must be accompanied by a responsible adult.